Yoga in the Hills & Upcoming Projects

I remember watching the documentary “Lemonade” (really inspiring, by the way – all about people forced out of their corporate jobs who then find work that truly excites them), and one of the people interviewed said “every day is Saturday” – that feeling that you get to do whatever you want any day of the week. It’s a pretty fun feeling and I’m so supremely grateful that my life is like this right now.

Spent a little bit more time at Coldwater Canyon park today – not a bad spot to hang out, especially when Rising Lotus offers a donation yoga class there! It was awesome hanging out with some of the Tree People as well. :-)

As I mention, plans are in the works for Nathan 3.0 & Virtual Nathan. VN is moving right along, too – which is fantastic! I’m really starting to hone in on helping creative & passionate people get more done, so if you or someone you know falls into that category, let me know! Virtual Nathan is really great at handling all those little, simple projects that have been staring at you for months – time to get those done now! :-)

But back to the future (!) … plans for November in Hawaii are underway, which also means that I need to continue my major uncluttering & purging project around the house – looks like I’ll be having a massive liquidation sale soon. Things’ll be cheap lemme tell ya – just need to get rid of it all, but I can’t wait to do it!

(Oh, and I totally recommend it, but you can watch the whole “Lemonade” film (only 35 mins) at Hulu.)