Week 2 Recap

Lots more shows during week 2, including our only 4-show weekend! The videos below are from a soccer game I reffed (!), 2 more interviews with the cast (both LA guys – Herschel & Matt), and a little backstage look into props!

And I thought this would be fun – I wanted to do a little comparison between my last show and this one. So, in “Tonight at 8:30” with the Antaeus Company, I also played a Cameraman! Below (on left) is a shot from that show, and on the right, is a shot from “Paradise Lost” – you never know when your training will pay off! :)

Referee Nathan!

I got hooked up with this opportunity through AmericaScores – a great (national) volunteer program that combines writing & soccer – the kids all did a poetry slam before the game – awesome! :) There’s a couple more pics in the Photostream of the day, including one with Charley (he reffed the boys’ game, and was the guy who introduced me to the program – I met him at a birthday party the first week I was here)! (And I couldn’t remember at the time, but the game took place at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School in Seattle.)

And now, onto the show…

Herschel Sparber (“Mr. Pike”):

Matt Gottlieb (“Gus”):

(hope you heard everything – it didn’t seem that windy when we were talking :)

Prop fun:

What’s even MORE hilarious is that I used the same sort of camera contraption during “Tonight at 8:30,” I was onstage for even less time than in “Paradise Lost” but it was EQUALLY complicated! Oh the joys of minor character props… :)