Quality Time with… Shanti, Ep. #8

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Really conscious conversation with an amazingly articulate dude I met while on Kauai (and who is also Lisa’s brother).

Shanti was wonderfully open about his life and the projects he’s working on – I love the passion he has about the earth and on raising our consciousness of supporting it!

The “one sentence” he has is a brilliant idea to live by as well: All life is sacred and interconnected. Pretty sweet, right? :-)

For more on Shanti:

His website: Heal the Earth (and Yourself)

  • Heal the Earth – A project to hold the Earth (and all life on it) in healing energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Your participation is needed!
  • Ecoconsciousness Action Plan – A consciousness and action focused holistic approach to ensuring that individually and collectively we change our way of living to reduce ecological destruction and heal the Earth.
  • Ecoreiki – A new form of energy healing that combines a systematic method to live a life that is holistically healthy for you and the planet, along with energy healing techniques that allow you to accelerate your healing, the healing of the Earth, or of any other living being. 

Now how about you: what did you enjoy, what did you learn, and what might you take action on as a result of the chat with Shanti?

Would love to hear your answers below!

Stay Awesome!