Why Am I Travel Hacking?

Nathan on the Santa Fe RailRunner

I’m coming up on two years of nomadic life (and I’m not stopping).

I’ve been to over 90 locations in 33 states, plus visits to Mexico and Canada.

I’ve traveled on planes and trains, in buses and in cars.

And through all of this, I’ve saved about $4000 in travel costs.

(don’t miss out below on how YOU can do this, too – time-sensitive info…)


I currently have about 400K frequent flyer points across various accounts, which even at a super conservative estimate, represents at least another $4000 in value (most likely it’ll be closer to $8000).

I’ve taken a $5 flight to Hawaii, hopped on planes for less than $10, been in first class on Amtrak for free on several occasions, including across the country.


So why do I do all this?

Yeah, of course the money is nice—but then what? How am I re-directing those funds?

Here’s my answer…


Two Reasons:

1) Quality of Life

  • Saving all this money allows me to AFFORD living the way that I do!
  • I’m far from rich, and I still need to watch what I spend, but saving this kind of money allows me to eat the way I want: where I dine out and where I shop, focusing on high quality and nutrient-dense items, not just fancy-schmancy dinners.
  • Instead of spending entire days dining on bread and…well, bread—or perhaps splurging for fast food, I eat LOTS of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

2) Giving Back Locally

  • Instead of spending money on HOW I’m getting to a particular place, I get to direct my money on WHERE I’m at.
  • It could be at farmers markets, museums, bicycle rentals, restaurants, or other local vendors.
  • By buying and spending locally, I’m supporting the workers, families, and economy there—it feels good to have that kind of personal investment.


I know I’m not the only one out there who when they travel, would like to have a higher quality life, to really enjoy the experience, AND feel fantastic!


Would YOU like to know how to do this, too?


I’m hosting a virtual class on August 8th to share what I’ve learned and to help you get started.

It’s very easy, this won’t ruin your life, and you don’t need to be a full-time traveler.

Even if you only have the goal of one domestic trip each year, this can help you out!

Eventbrite - Travel Like the Wealthy and Live the GREAT Life for a Fraction of the Cost! (Virtual Event)


If you’re still unsure, sign up for the free Q&A call I’m doing THIS Thursday, August 2nd.

In addition to answering any questions if this is right for you, I’ll also be sharing how you can get a $5 flight to Hawaii! The islands are where my nomadic days began, and I’m going back out there, and taking my family with me—all on points!

Register for the free Q&A Call and go to Hawaii for $5!



Why are you a travel hacker (or, why would you want to become one)? How are you reinvesting your funds?

I’d love to hear your response + any other thoughts you have below.


SUPER QUICK REMINDER: the contest for the $100 Startup Giveaway ends this week—enter now to win! :)


Looking forward to learning more!




Former life: actor/office worker/virtual assistant; lived in Los Angeles for 11 years. Since then: sold nearly everything, took a $5 flight to Hawaii, lived there for 3 months, wrote an eGuide about all of it, and still traveling. Currently: digital nomad - looking to improve myself, have fun and serve others.