Superfood Stopover with

from Aliso Viejo, CA…

Sheleana, Caleb & Healthy Candied Apples


Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of hanging out with a couple of new friends: Sheleana and Caleb from

These two are super into a raw-foods based lifestyle and took AMAZING care of me food-wise: smoothies, salads, and superfoods, oh my! :)


And YES, those are Candied Apples in the pic above!

Sheleana created a sugar-free and whole-foods version of caramel. Yeah, it was delicious, and yes, I wanted to lick the entire bowl.

Want to get that recipe? Sign up with YoungandRaw to get their free spook-tacular Super Healthy Halloween Treats recipe guide (coming soon)!

These’ll be kid-friendly treats and super easy to make! I even recommended iBooks Author to them for putting it together, and Sheleana loved how simple it was! Yay teamwork! :)


For now, let’s take a look at some of the goodness we (well, mostly they! :) whipped up!


Berry Smoothie with Bee Pollen

Get the recipe!


Raw Vegan Caesar Salad

Get the recipe!

(side note: I haven’t eaten Caesar Salad in over 10 years, ’cause I plain didn’t like it the first time. This one is UNBELIEVABLY great, completely dairy-free, and super tasty!!)

Vegan Caesar Salad


Broccoli, Avocado & Mango Salad—that’s right: BAM!

Get the recipe!

Mango, Avocado & Broccoli Salad

By the way: the next stop I landed (a guest house in Hollywood, owned by a notable actress—how’s that for intrigue!) has no stove, blender or food processor.

Time to go raw!! :)

I did some shopping and picked up everything I’ll need to make this salad again—perhaps for my next meal!


Vanilla Cinnamon Shilajit Latte

Get the recipe!

Shilajit Latte


Shilajit Latte Ingredients


Caleb & the Vitamix

The Smoothie Alchemist in action!


And here was my contribution…

Nathan's Smoothie

Not the most creative or pretty concoction, but it did taste pretty good!

I think this had one frozen banana, some pineapple chunks, blueberries, coconut water, and a scoop of spirulina.

The glass straws were totally new to me and kinda crazy to experience. By the end of the two days: I was a fan!


Ah, and these two may also win for the healthiest fridge I’ve come across…

The two other contenders for this title are from 3 guys I stayed with in , and when I stayed with 2 dudes in . :)

Wow—guys aren’t completely in the dark when it comes to food—nice! :)



Thanks again to Caleb and Sheleana for being such fantastic hosts! :)

As you might guess, they are also SUPER knowledgeable about food, and I LOVED the conversations we had. I learned a bunch, and excited to share what I picked up.

My #1 tip from them: starting the day with water and fresh-squeezed lemon.

Did you know that when we wake up, we are dehydrated by 2 cups of water?? Gotta replenish the system fast!

And don’t forget about their Super Healthy Halloween Treats recipe guide coming out next week—learn more about it and join the conversation with them on and their site!


Which recipe above looks tastiest to you? (and which one will you make? :)

I’d love to hear your response + any other thoughts you have below.


Looking forward to learning more!

