How to Rent Your Dream Room, Apartment or House (VIDEO: what I found in Bali)

This past summer, I spent 6 weeks across 6 different countries in Southeast Asia.

Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

It has always been a region of the world that slightly made me nervous: completely different languages, customs, food, currency—and what the heck would happen if I ran out of money, being so far from the US?

Now I can easily say that I’m excited to get back there. If you’ve ever been on the fence about seeing this part of the world, please go. I really don’t think you’ll regret it.

One of the best parts of the trip was all the different spots I stayed and all the people I connected with; it was relatively simple to find beautiful and affordable rentals wherever we went.

How simple?

Check this out…


As I mention in the video, if you sign up here (for free) and book your first rental, you’ll save $25.

If you do sign up through the link, I’ll also receive a small credit; I’ve made lots of reservations and left lots of reviews, so yes, I use the site extensively and love it.


Let me know below—have you had any experiences with this service?

from Chicago,




Former life: actor/office worker/virtual assistant; lived in Los Angeles for 11 years. Since then: sold nearly everything, took a $5 flight to Hawaii, lived there for 3 months, wrote an eGuide about all of it, and still traveling. Currently: digital nomad - looking to improve myself, have fun and serve others.